微生物研究室 Microbiology Division
The Microbiology Division conducts pathogenic microbiological and pathological studies of equine infectious diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites. The information obtained is used for the diagnosis and treatment of equine infectious diseases and for the prevention of epidemics. The divison is also responsible for the evaluation of equine infectious diseases, and is ready to respond quickly to outbreaks of infectious diseases at training centers, racetracks, and production facilities.
研究スタッフ Members
- 室長Manager上野 孝範Takanori UENO, DVM, PhD, Dip JCVP
- 上席研究役Senior researcher丹羽 秀和Hidekazu NIWA, DVM, PhD
- 研究役Researcher木下 優太Yuta KINOSHITA, DVM, PhD
- 研究役Researcher越智 章仁Akihiro OCHI, DVM, PhD, Dip JCVP
- 主査 Researcher岸 大貴Daiki KISHI, DVM
研究課題 Research project
- 一般研究(2024-2027)
- 馬感染症の疫学監視および臨床微生物学的研究
- 一般研究(2024-2026)
- 第3の馬ピロプラズマ Theileria haneyi 病原学的診断法の開発
- 一般研究(2023-2025)
- 整腸剤および糞便移植が抗菌薬投与後における腸内細菌叢の復元力に与える影響
- 委託研究(2022-2024)
- 馬の消化管寄生虫症の診断法開発のための基礎的検討
- (馬の寄生虫のゲノム情報の整備)
原著論文 Publications
Ochi A, Toya Y, Sengoku M, Tsuchiya S, Kishi D, Ueno T
In vitro evaluation of the automated hematology analyzer XN-31 for rapid diagnosis of equine piroplasmosis
Microbiol Spectr 12, e0058224, 2024 [PubMed]
Nakajima K, Kasuya K, Senba H, Tagami K, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H
Genetic analysis based on next generation sequencing of Streptococcus equi subsp. equi isolated from horses imported into Japan
J Vet Med Sci 86, 828-832, 2024 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Kato Y, Ueno T, Numasawa Y, Yusa S, Haga T
Histopathological and Virological Findings of a Penile Papilloma in a Japanese Stallion with Equus Caballus Papillomavirus 2 (EcPV2)
Pathogens 13, 597, 2024 [PubMed]
Kuwano A, Ueno T, Katsurashima Y, Tateno O, Saitoh S
Selenium deposition in an atypically disintegrated hoof wall in a Thoroughbred racehorse with alkali disease: Proof by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis
J Comp Pathol 212, 51-55, 2024 [PubMed]
Mekata H, Yamada K, Umeki K, Yamamoto M, Ochi A, Umekita K, Kobayashi I, Hirai T, Okabayashi T
Nine-year seroepidemiological study of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus infection in feral horses in Cape Toi, Japan
BMC Vet Res 20, 190, 2024 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Ueno T
A real-time PCR assay for the quantification of Mycoplasma equirhinis in tracheal wash samples from Thoroughbred horses
J Vet Diagn Invest 36, 108-111, 2024 [PubMed]
Aida H, Foreman JH, Ochi A, Takizawa Y, Yamanaka T
A case of equine piroplasmosis in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
J Equine Sci 34, 93-99, 2023 [PubMed]
Ochi A, Kidaka T, Hakimi H, Asada M, Yamagishi J
Chromosome-level genome assembly of Babesia caballi reveals diversity of multigene families among Babesia species
BMC Genomics 24, 483, 2023 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Niwa H, Senoh M, Kato H, Kinoshita Y, Mita H, Ueno T
Clostridioides difficile infection in thoroughbred horses in Japan from 2010 to 2021
Sci Rep 13, 13099, 2023 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Yamanaka T, Kodaira K, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Ueno T
Assessment of tetanus revaccination regimens in horses not vaccinated in the previous year
J Vet Med Sci 85, 751-754, 2023 [PubMed]
Ochi A, Bannai H, Aonuma H, Kanuka H, Uchida-Fujii E, Kinoshita Y, Ohta M, Kambayashi Y, Tsujimura K, Ueno T, Nemoto M
Surveilance of Getah virus in mosquitoes and racehorses from 2016 to 2019 at a training center in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, a site of several previous Getah virus outbreaks
Arch Virol 168, 35, 2023 [PubMed]
Ochi A, Falconnier N, Baker R, Botting A, Dehghanpir SD, Langohr IM
Chronic weight loss, intermittent hematuria, polyuria, and polydipsia in a 23-year-old Quarter Horse gelding
J Am Vet Med Assoc 261, 407-409, 2022 [PubMed]
Niwa H, Higuchi T, Fujii S, Kinoshita Y, Uchida-Fujii E, Sueyoshi M, Nukada T, Ueno T
Prevalence of equine proliferative enteropathy in Hidaka district, Hokkaido, over five seasons
J Equine Sci 33, 71-74, 2022 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Niwa H, Kanai K, Kinoshita Y, Kuroda T, Nukada T, Ueno T
Outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus sequence type 1, spa type t1784, in an equine hospital in Japan
Vet Anim Sci 17, 100259, 2022 [PubMed]
Ochi A, Nishioka T, Kurimoto S, Kishi D, Ueno T, Nukada T
Immunohistochemical characteristics of spindle cell ameloblastic carcinoma in a horse
J Comp Path 196, 1-5, 2022
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T, Ueno T
Simultaneous daily fecal microbiota transplantation fails to prevent metronidazole-induced dysbiosis of equine gut microbiota
J Equine Vet Sci 114, 104004, 2022 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Kakoi H, Ishige T, Yamanaka T, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T, Ueno T
Comparison of seven nucleic acid amplification tests for detection of Taylorella equigenitalis
J Vet Med Sci 84, 129-132, 2022 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Maeda T, Nukada T, Ueno T
High prevalence of Mycoplasma equirhinis in Thoroughbred horses with respiratory symptoms in autumn 2018
J Vet Med Sci 83, 1907-1912, 2021 [PubMed]
Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Uchida E, Yamamoto K
Comparison of the proteomes in sera between healthy Thoroughbreds and Thoroughbreds with respiratory disease associated with transport using mass spectrometry-based proteomics
J Equine Sci 32, 11-15, 2021 [PubMed]
Watanabe R, Furuta H, Ueno Y, Nukada T, Niwa H, Shinyashiki N, Kano R
First isolation of Trichophyton bullosum from a horse with dermatophytosis in Japan
Med Mycol Case Rep 32, 81-83, 2021 [PubMed]
Watanabe R, Furuta H, Ueno Y, Nukada T, Niwa H, Shinyashiki N, Kano R
The clonal population of Trichophyton equinum from dermatophytoses of Japanese racehorses
Mycopathologia 186, 435-439, 2021 [PubMed]
Watanabe R, Huruta H, Ueno Y, Nukada T, Niwa H, Shinyashiki N, Kano R
Antifungal susceptibility of dermatophytes from racehorses in Japan
Vet Dermatol 32, 474-e129, 2021 [PubMed]
Tamamura-Andoh Y, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Uchida-Fujii E, Arai N, Watanabe-Yanai A, Iwata T, Akiba M, Kusumoto M
Duplication of blaCTX-M-1 and a class 1 integron on the chromosome enhances antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from racehorses in Japan
J Glob Antimicrob Resist 27, 225-227, 2021 [PubMed]
中島 渓・粕谷和史・大島芙美・漆崎祥平・鵜飼 寿・住吉理穂・田上勝則・丹羽秀和
日獣会誌 74, 636-639, 2021
Zorigt T, Furuta Y, Simbotwe M, Ochi A, Tsujinouchi M, Shawa M, Shimizu T, Isoda N, Enkhtuya J, Higashi H
Development of ELISA based on Bacillus anthracis capsule biosynthesis protein CapA for naturally acquired antibodies against anthrax
PLoS One 16, e0258317, 2021 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Nukada T
Construction and application of an in-house matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) database specific to bacteria from horses
J Equine Vet Sci 103, 103664, 2021 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T
Establishment and assessment of an amplicon sequencing method targeting the 16S-ITS-23S rRNA operon for analysis of the equine gut microbiome
Sci Rep 11, 11884, 2021 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Takechi M, Uchida-Fujii E, Miyazawa K, Nukada T, Niwa H
Ten cases of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis infections linked to equine abortions in Japan, 2018–2019
Vet Med Sci 7, 621-625, 2021 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T
Genotyping of equine Lawsonia intracellularis sampled in Japan by using multilocus variable-number tandem repeat analysis
J Equine Vet Sci 96, 103311, 2021 [PubMed]
Mitchell C, Steward KF, Charbonneau ARL, Walsh S, Wilson H, Timoney JF, Wernery U, Joseph M, Craig D, van Maanen K, Hoogkamer-van Gennep A, Leon A, Witkowski L, Rzewuska M, Stefańska I, Żychska M, van Loon G, Cursons R, Patty O, Acke E, Gilkerson JR, El-Hage C, Allen J, Bannai H, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Becú T, Pringle J, Guss B, Böse R, Abbott Y, Katz L, Leggett B, Buckley TC, Blum SE, López FC, Ros AF, Campi MCM, Preziuso S, Robinson C, Newton JR, Schofield E, Brooke B, Boursnell M, de Brauwere N, Kirton R, Barton CK, Abudahab K, Taylor B, Yeats CA, Goater R, Aanensen DM, Harris SR, Parkhill J, Holden MTG, Waller AS
Globetrotting strangles: the unbridled national and international transmission of Streptococcus equi between horses
Microb Genom 7, 000528, 2021 [PubMed]
Sekizuka T, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Uchida-Fujii E, Inamine Y, Hashino M, Kuroda M
Identification of a mecA/mecC-positive MRSA ST1-t127 isolate from a racehorse in Japan
J Antimicrob Chemother 75, 292-295, 2020 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Nukada T
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionizatione-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for identification of bacterial isolates from horses
J Equine Vet Sci 95, 103276, 2020 [PubMed]
Uchida-Fujii E, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Katayama Y, Nukada T
Molecular phylogenetic and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry identification of isolates from horses identified as Enterobacter cloacae by biochemical identification
J Equine Sci 31, 49-55, 2020 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T
Complete genome sequence of Mycoplasma felis strain Myco-2, isolated from an equine tracheal wash sample in Japan
Microbiol Resour Announc 9, e00057-20, 2020 [PubMed]
山本敦子・齊藤真里子・伊藤 満・原田健弘・越智章仁・丹羽秀和
2009~2015 年における北海道日高管内で発生した新生子馬のActinobacillus equuli 感染症の回顧的調査,分離菌の分子疫学解析及び薬剤感受性
日獣会誌 73, 185-190, 2020
Kinoshita Y, Cloutier AK, Rozak DA, Khan MSR, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Katayama Y, Tuanyok A
A novel selective medium for the isolation of Burkholderia mallei from equine specimens
BMC Vet Res 15, 133, 2019 [PubMed]
Mizobe F, Nomura M, Ueno T, Yamada K
Bone marrow oedema-type signal in the proximal phalanx of Thoroughbred racehorses
J Vet Med Sci 81, 593-597, 2019 [PubMed]
Ochi A, Sekiguchi M, Tsujimura K, Kinoshita T, Ueno T, Katayama Y
Two cases of equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis in Japan
J Comp Pathol 170, 46-52, 2019 [PubMed]
高橋弘康・丹羽秀和・八木 梓・信本聖子・片山芳也・松田芳和・立花 智・安斉 了
日獣会誌 72, 601-607, 2019
Uchida-Fujii E, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Nukada T
Actinobacillus species isolated from Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses in the last two decades
J Vet Med Sci 81, 1234-1237, 2019 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T
Complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuis strain JP-H-1, isolated from an equine abortion case in Japan
Microbiol Resour Announc 8, e01228-19, 2019 [PubMed]
Ueno Y, Uemura R, Niwa H, Higuchi T, Sekiguchi S, Sakaki Y, Sueyoshi M
Total serum protein reference value as a clinical diagnostic index of equine proliferative enteropathy
J Equine Sci 30, 63-67, 2019 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Katayama Y
Minocycline resistance in Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from Thoroughbred racehorses with respiratory disease in Japan
J Equine Vet Sci 63, 80-85, 2018
Songsri J, Kinoshita Y, Kwanhian W, Wisessombat S, Tangpong J, Raman-Khan MS, Tuanyok A
Cross reactivity of latex agglutination assay complicates the identification of Burkholderia pseudomallei from soil
FEMS Microbiol Lett 365, fny256, 2018 [PubMed]
Kuwano A, Niwa H, Arai K
New methods for isolation of keratolytic bacteria inducing intractable hoof wall cavity (Gidoh) in a horse; double screening procedures of the horn powder agar-translucency test and horn zymography
J Equine Sci 28, 19-25, 2017 [PubMed]
Mizobe F, Nomura M, Kato T, Katayama Y, Kuwano A, Ueno T, Yamada K, Spriet M
Signal changes in standing magnetic resonance imaging of septic pedal osteitis in a Thoroughbred racehorse
Jpn J Vet Res 65, 101-106, 2017
Ochi A, Hifumi T, Ueno T, Katayama Y
Capillaria hepatica (Calodium hepaticum) infection in a horse: a case report
BMC Vet Res 13, 384, 2017 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Higuchi T, Katayama Y
Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for detecting virulent Rhodococcus equi
J Vet Diagn Invest 28, 608-611, 2016 [PubMed]
Niwa H, Hobo S, Kinoshita Y, Muranaka M, Ochi A, Ueno T, Oku K, Hariu H, Katayama Y
Aneurysm of the cranial mesenteric artery as a site of carriage of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Abortusequi in the horse
J Vet Diagn Invest 28, 440-444, 2016 [PubMed]
Murakami M, Shimonishi Y, Hobo S, Niwa H, Ito H
First isolation of Actinobacillus genomospecies 2 in Japan
J Vet Med Sci 78, 701-703, 2016 [PubMed]
Takesue M, Osaka Y, Muranaka M, Katayama Y, Ikadai H
Identification of immunodiagnostic antigens for cerebrospinal filariasis in horses by western blot analysis
J Equine Sci 27, 17-18, 2016 [PubMed]
Furusawa T, Iwano H, Hiyashimizu Y, Matsubara K, Higuchi H, Nagahata H, Niwa H, Katayama Y, Kinoshita Y, Hagiwara K, Iwasaki T, Tanji Y, Yokota H, Tamura Y
Phage therapy iseffective in a mouse model of bacterial equine keratitis.
Appl Environ Microbiol 82, 5332-5339, 2016 [PubMed]
中本悠香・志和 希・島津太一・君付和範・富岡美千子・片山芳也・笩井宏美・朴 天鎬
日獣会誌 69, 36-40, 2016
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Katayama Y, Hariu K
Development of loop-mediated isothermal amplification methods for detecting Taylorella equigenitalis and Taylorella asinigenitalis
J Equine Sci 26, 25-29, 2015 [PubMed]
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Katayama Y
Use of loop-mediated isothermal amplification to detect six groups of pathogens causing secondary lower respiratory bacterial infections in horses
Microbiol Immunol 59, 365-370, 2015 [PubMed]
サラブレッド生産牧場で発生したLawsonia intracellularis感染症
日獣会誌 68, 239-244, 2015
学会発表 Conference presentation
Ochi A, Toya Y, Sengoku M, Tsuchiya S, Ueno T, Kishi D
Application of the automated hematology analyzer XN-31 for the rapid diagnosis of Equine Piroplasmosis
American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (2023AAVLD) 2023.10
越智章仁・木下優太・内田英里・丹羽秀和・岸 大貴・上野孝範
病理分科会ワークショップ 馬におけるLawsonia intracellularis感染症
第166回日本獣医学会学術集会 2023.9
上野孝範・越智章仁・岸 大貴・丹羽秀和
病理分科会ワークショップ Rhodococcus equi 感染症
第166回日本獣医学会学術集会 2023.9
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Ueno T
Serodiagnostic tests using OmpS1 and OmpS2 proteins as antigens for thedetection of carrier horses of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Abortusequi
International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (ISWAVLD 2023) 2023.6
第10回ASVP/第10回JCVP合同学術集会 第63回獣医病理学研修会 2023.3
MRSA infection: Current Situation and Problems
第21回アジア獣医師会連合(FAVA)大会 招待講演 2022.11
Clostridioides difficille infection: Current Situation and Problems
第21回アジア獣医師会連合(FAVA)大会 招待講演 2022.11
リアルタイムPCR法を用いたMycoplasma equirhinis定量評価法の確立
日本ウマ科学会第35回学術集会 2022.11
rRNAオペロン領域を用いたウマの腸内細菌叢解析においてunlinked rRNA遺伝子の影響は少ない
第94回日本細菌学会総会 2021.3
国内競走馬から分離されたSCCmec IV型メチシリン耐性黄色ブドウ球菌
第164回日本獣医学会学術集会 2021.9
Niwa H, Tamamura-Andoh Y, Kusumoto M, Kinoshita Y, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T, Ueno T
Antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria in Thoroughbred racehorses in Japan
11th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2021.9
Kinoshita Y, Yamanaka T, Niwa H, Uchida-Fujii E, Nukada T, Ueno T
Comparison of molecular testing methods to detect Taylorella equigenitalis
11th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2021.9
Ochi A, Toya Y, Sengoku M, Tsuchiya S, Ueno T, Katayama Y, Nukada T
Evaluation of a rapid diagnostic method for equine piroplasmosis using flow cytometry-based method
11th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2021.9
Uchida-Fujii E, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Maeda T, Nukada T, Ueno T
Possible association of Mycoplasma equirhinis to respiratory symptoms of Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses
11th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2021.9
日本ウマ科学会第34回学術集会 2021.12
第163回日本獣医学会学術集会 2020.9
Ochi A, Toya Y, Sengoku M, Tsuchiya S, Ueno T, Katayama Y, Nukada T
Rapid diagnosis of equine piroplasmosis by flow cytometry-based method: a preliminary study
American College of Veterinary Pathologist 2020 2020.10
馬のエナメル上皮癌の1例(Ameloblastic carcinoma in a horse)
日本ウマ科学会第33回学術集会 2020.11
16S rRNA-ITS-23S rRNAオペロン領域を用いたウマの腸内細菌叢解析においてunlinked rRNA遺伝子の影響は少ない
日本ウマ科学会第33回学術集会 2020.11
シンポジウム「常在微生物と感染症」 馬の腸内フローラと感染症
第10回家畜感染症学会学術集会 2020.12
第59回獣医病理学研修会 2019.3
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Uchida E, Katayama Y
Genotyping of Lawsonia intracellularis sampled from Japanese Thoroughbred horses by multi-locus variable number tandem repeats analysis
19th International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians 2019.6
丹羽秀和・樋口 徹・齊藤真理子・木下優太・内田英里・額田紀雄
第162回日本獣医学会学術集会 2019.9
内田英里・丹羽秀和・木下優太・根本 学・坂内 天・額田紀雄・片山芳也・石川裕博・帆保誠二・石川慎吾
第162回日本獣医学会学術集会 2019.9
複数の馬流産例から分離したMycobacterium avium subsp. hominissuisの全ゲノムシーケンス解析
第162回日本獣医学会学術集会 2019.9
日本ウマ科学会第32回学術集会 2019.11
MALDI-TOF MSによるウマ由来Staphylococcus属菌の同定とその問題点
平成29年度日本獣医師会獣医学術学会年次大会 2018.2
第58回獣医病理学研修会 2018.3
Niwa N, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Uchida E, Kinoshita Y, Katayama Y, Senoh M, Kato H
Whole-genome analysis of Clostridioides difficile strains isolated from horses in Japan
6th International C. difficile Symposium 2018.9
越智章仁・根本 学・村中雅則・山中隆史
「家畜感染症の病理-人体病理との交流:第8回 馬感染症を手がかりとして-」
第161回日本獣医学会学術集会 2018.9
「家畜感染症の病理-人体病理との交流:第8回 馬感染症を手がかりとして-」
第161回日本獣医学会学術集会 2018.9
「家畜感染症の病理-人体病理との交流:第8回 馬感染症を手がかりとして-」
第161回日本獣医学会学術集会 2018.9
Kinoshita Y, Akiba M, Kuroda M, Sekizuka T, Niwa H, Katayama Y
Development and application of MLVA for genotyping of Salmonella Abortusequi
18th International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians: WAVLD 2017 2017.6
Ochi A, Tsujimura K, Ueno T, Sekiguchi M, Katayama Y
Equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis in a Thoroughbred in Japan
American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP) and American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP) 2017 annual meeting 2017.11
馬の監視伝染病 -細菌性疾患-
平成27年度日本獣医師会獣医学術学会年次大会 2016.2
第56回獣医病理学研修会 2016.3
Ochi A, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Ueno T, Katayama Y
Comparative efficacies of disinfectants against bacteria causing healthcare-associated infections
10th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2016.4
Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Katayama Y
Tetracycline resistance and genotype of Streptococcus zooepidemicus isolated from Thoroughbred horses with respiratory disease in Japan
10th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2016.4
Niwa H, Akiba M, Sekizuka T, Kuroda M, Kinoshita Y, Katayama Y
Determination of whole-genome sequence of Salmonella Abortusequi
10th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2016.4
Ueno T, Yamanaka T, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Sato F, Katayama Y
Detection of Pneumocystis carinii specific gene in tracheal aspirate from healthy young foals in Japan
10th International Equine Infectious Disease Conference 2016.4
Multi-locus variable number tandem repeats analysisによるLawsonia intracellularis国内株の遺伝子型別
第159回日本獣医学会学術集会 2016.9
第55回獣医病理学研修会 2015.3
Niwa H, Kato H, Seno M, Fukuda T, Kinoshita Y, Kuroda T, Ueno T, Ochi A, Katayama Y
Genotype transition of Clostridium difficile at a Thoroughbred racehorse clinic in Japan from 2010 to 2014
5th International Clostridium difficile Symposium 2015.5
日本ウマ科学会第28回学術集会 2015.12
日本ウマ科学会第28回学術集会 2015.12