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JRA 競走馬総合研究所

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臨床医学研究室 Clinical Veterinary Medicine Division




The Clinical Veterinary Medicine Division focuses on developing new methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment for various diseases occurring during racing or training. The final goal of our research is to return all injured horses to the racecourse. The members of our laboratory have a wide range of specialties, including surgery, internal medicine, sports medicine, rehabilitation medicine, anesthesiology, clinical pharmacology, clinical epidemiology, clinical statistics. We have worked on many research projects in collaboration with clinical veterinarians of the JRA Ritto and Miho Training Centers and the Rehabilitation Research Center. Our laboratory also serves as an educational institution for young veterinarians and students.


研究スタッフ Members

  • 室長Manager太田  稔Minoru OHTA, DVM, PhD
  • 主任研究役Chief researcher黒田 泰輔Taisuke KURODA, DVM, PhD
  • 主査Researcher野村 基惟Motoi NOMURA, DVM, PhD
  • 主査Researcher三田 宇宙Hiroshi MITA, DVM

研究課題 Research Project


原著論文 Publications


Gomez DE, Kopper JJ, Byrne DP, Renaud DL, Schoster A, Dunkel B, Arroyo LG, Mykkanen A, Gilsenan WF, Pihl TH, Lopez-Navarro G, Tennent-Brown BS, Hostnik LD, Mora-Pereira M, Marques F, Gold JR, DeNotta SL, Desjardins I, Stewart AJ, Kuroda T, Schaefer E, Oliver-Espinosa OJ, Agne GF, Uberti B, Veiras P, Delph Miller KM, Gialleti R, John E, Toribio RE
Treatment approaches to horses with acute diarrhea admitted to referral institutions: A multicenter retrospective study
PLoS One 19, e0313783, 2024 [PubMed]

Fukuda K, Mita H, Kuroda T, Tamura N, Kuwano A, Sato F, Takahashi T
Platelet lysate does not have an anti-inflammatory effect on monoiodoacetic acid-induced equine persistent synovitis
Am J Vet Res 85, 24.03.0090, 2024 [PubMed]

Otsuka T, Araki M, Mita H, Kambayashi Y, Yoshihara E, Ohta M
Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol-ketamine-xylazine with or without remifentanil in thoroughbred horses undergoing castration
J Equine Sci 35, 35-41, 2024 [PubMed]

Kushida C, Tamura N, Kasashima Y, Sato K, Arai K
Characterization of senescent mesenchymal stem/stromal cells derived from equine bone marrow and the effects of NANOG on the senescent phenotypes
J Vet Med Sci 86, 930-937, 2024 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Kinman CK, Takahashi Y, Ebisuda Y, Inoue K, Ishikawa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Nukada T, Toutain PL, Ohta M
Rational quinidine dosage regimen for atrial fibrillation in Thoroughbred racehorses based on population pharmacokinetics
Front Vet Sci 11, 1454342, 2024 [PubMed]

Mita H, Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Tamura N, Ohta M
Concentration of Marbofloxacin in equine subcutaneous tissue fluid after subcutaneous administration in encapsulated microparticles
J Equine Vet Sci 141, 105148, 2024 [PubMed]

Tamura N, Yoshihara E, Seki K, Mae N, Kodaira K, Iimori M, Yamazaki Y, Mita H, Urayama S, Kuroda T, Ohta M, Kasashima Y
Prognostic value of power doppler ultrasonography for equine superficial digital flexor tendon injury in thoroughbred racehorses
Vet J 306, 106179, 2024 [PubMed]

Ferran AA, Roques BB, Chapuis L, Kuroda T, Lacroix MZ, Toutain PL, Bousquet-Melou A, Lallemand EA
Predicted efficacy and tolerance of different dosage regimens of benzylpenicillin in horses based on a pharmacokinetic study with three IM formulations and one IV formulation
Front Vet Sci 11, 1409266, 2024 [PubMed]

Uchida-Fujii E, Kuroda T, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Kano R, Tamura T, Makimura K, Ueno T
Bacterial and fungal isolates from 107 cases of ulcerative keratitis in Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses (2017-2021)
J Equine Vet Sci 133, 104990, 2024 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Toutain PL, Ohta M
Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics cut-off determination for fosfomycin using Monte Carlo simulation in healthy horses
J Vet Med Sci 86, 413-420, 2024 [PubMed]

Minamijima Y, Kuroda T, Kamiya T, Sone Y, Wakuno A, Ito H, Nomura M, Leung GN, Kinoshita K, Yamada M
Evaluation of plasma and urine pharmacokinetics of tranexamic acid for equine medication control
J Vet Pharmacol Ther 47, 21-27, 2024 [PubMed]


Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Ohta M
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of cephalothin after intramuscular administration in Thoroughbred horses
J Equine Sci 34, 111-114, 2023 [PubMed]

Tsubata T, Suzuyama H, Chiba K, Mita H, Tamura N, Matsukawa M
Axial transmission technique for screening bucked shin in a horse leg
Jpn J Appl Phys 62, SJ1026, 2023

Tamura N, Heidari N, Faragher RGA, Smith RKW, Dudhia J
Effects of resveratrol and its analogues on the cell cycle of equine mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
J Equine Sci 34, 67-72, 2023 [PubMed]

Mita H, Kuroda T, Niwa H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Ohta M
Incidence of surgical site infection after internal fixation of the first phalangeal bone and the third metacarpal/metatarsal bone fractures in Thoroughbred racehorses
J Equine Sci 34, 61-66, 2023 [PubMed]

Lallemand EA, Bousquet-Mélou A, Chapuis L, Davis J, Ferran AA, Kukanich B, Kuroda T, Lacroix MZ, Minamijima Y, Olsén L, Pelligand L, Portugal FR, Roques BB, Santschi EM, Wilson KE, Toutain PL
Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic cutoff values for benzylpenicillin in horses to support the establishment of clinical breakpoints for benzylpenicillin antimicrobial susceptibility testing in horses
Front Microbiol 14, 1282949, 2023 [PubMed]

Seki N, Tochinai R, Sekizawa SI, Márquez MA, Fukuda K, Ohmura H, Kuwahara M
Preliminary study of heart rate variability in Criollo horses for the elucidation of their neurophysiological characteristics of autonomic nerve function
J Equine Sci 34, 55-59, 2023 [PubMed]

Fukuda K, Mita H, Tamura N, Kuroda T, Kuwano A, Takahashi T, Sato F
Characteristic inflammatory biomarkers in an equine model of persistent synovitis induced by the intra-articular administration of monoiodoacetic acid
J Equine Vet Sci 127, 104564, 2023 [PubMed]

Urayama S, Tanaka A, Kusano K, Sato H, Muranaka M, Mita H, Nagashima T, Matsuda H
Oral administration of meloxicam and flunixin meglumine have similar analgesic effects after lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in Thoroughbred horses
J Equine Vet Sci 121, 104205, 2023 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuwano A, Toutain PL, Sato F
Rational determination of cefazolin dosage regimen in horses based on PK/PD principles and Monte Carlo simulations
J Vet Pharmacol Ther 46, 62-67, 2023 [PubMed]


Kondo T, Sato F, Tsuzuki N, Watanabe K, Horiuchi N, Kobayashi Y, Yamada K
Characteristic computed tomographic myelography findings in 23 Thoroughbred horses
J Vet Med Sci 84, 525-532, 2023 [PubMed]

Miyashita K, Suzuyama S, Chiba K, Osaki M, Mita H, Tamura N, Matsukawa M
Study on ultrasonic wave propagation in equine leg bone for screening bucked shin
J Acoust Soc Am 152, 890-898, 2022 [PubMed]

Ishii H, Shibuya M, Kusano K, Sone Y, Kamiya T, Wakuno A, Ito H, Miyata K, Sato F, Kuroda T, Yamada M, Leung GN
Pharmacokinetic study of vadadustat and high-resolution mass spectrometric characterization of its novel metabolites in equines for the purpose of doping control
Curr Drug Metab 23, 850-865, 2022 [PubMed]

Ishii H, Shibuya M, Kusano K, Sone Y, Kamiya T, Wakuno A, Ito H, Miyata K, Sato F, Kuroda T, Yamada M, Leung GN
Generic approach for the discovery of drug metabolites in horses based on data‑dependent acquisition by liquid chromatography high‑resolution mass spectrometry and its applications to pharmacokinetic study of daprodustat
Anal Bioanal Chem 414, 8125-8142, 2022 [PubMed]

Minamijima Y, Tozaki T, Kuroda T, Urayama S, Nomura M, Yamamoto K
A comprehensive and comparative proteomic analysis of horse serum proteins in colitis
Equine Vet J 54, 1039-1046, 2022 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuwano A, Sato F
Concentration of cephalothin in body fluids and tissue samples in Thoroughbred horses
J Equine Sci 33, 51-54, 2022 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Nomura M, Yamashita S, Yamada M, Nagata S, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuwano A, Kusano K, Toutain PL, Sato F
Medication control of flunixin in racing horses: Possible detection times using Monte Carlo simulations
Equine Vet J 54, 979-988, 2022 [PubMed]

Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Kuwano A, Sato F
Incidence of carpal fractures and risk factors for recurrent fractures after arthroscopic removal of carpal chip fracture fragments in Thoroughbred racehorses
Vet Rec 190, e1482, 2022 [PubMed]

Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Tamura N, Mita H, Miyata H, Kasashima Y
Platelet lysate enhances equine skeletal muscle regeneration in a bupivacaine-induced muscle injury model
J Equine Vet Sci 112, 103892, 2022 [PubMed]

Kondo T, Sato F, Tsuzuki N, Watanabe K, Horiuchi N, Kobayashi Y, Yamada K
Characteristic computed tomographic myelography findings in 23 Thoroughbred horses
J Vet Med Sci 84, 525-532, 2022 [PubMed]

Iimori M, Tamura N, Seki K, Kasashima Y
Relationship between the ultrasonographic findings of suspected superficial digital flexor tendon injury and the prevalence of subsequent severe superficial digital flexor tendon injuries in Thoroughbred horses: a retrospective study
J Vet Med Sci 84, 261-264, 2022 [PubMed]


Sato F, Otsuka N, Kuwano A
Toe white line separation associated with the notch (crena marginalis) on the distal phalanges in Thoroughbred yearling horses
J Vet Med Sci 83, 1745–1749, 2021 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Tamura N, Mita H, Fukuda K, Kaimachi M, Suzuki Y, Enoki Y, Taguchi K, Matsumoto K, Toutain PL, Bousquet-Melou A, Kasashima Y
Rational dosage regimens for cephalothin and cefazolin using pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics analysis in healthy horses
Equine Vet J 53, 1239-1249, 2021 [PubMed]

Ninomiya S, Mita T, Nagamune S, Shimizu C, Fukano Y, Sato F
Negative correlation of suckling behaviour and foal weight gain during the first week after birth
Appl Anim Behav Sci 234,105200, 2021

Kitaura T, Sato F, Hada T, Ishimaru M, Kodama R, Nambo Y, Watanabe G, Taya K
Influence of exercise and emotional stresses on secretion of prolactin and growth hormone in Thoroughbred horses
J Equine Sci 32, 49-53, 2021 [PubMed]

Fawcett JA, Innan H, Tsuchiya T, Sato F
Effect of advancing age on the reproductive performance of Japanese Thoroughbred broodmares
J Equine Sci 32, 31-37, 2021 [PubMed]

Tsuchiya T, Noda R, Ikeda H, Maeda M, Sato F
Relationship between endogenous plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentration and reproductive performance in Thoroughbred broodmares
J Vet Int Med 35, 2002-2008, 2021 [PubMed]

Tozaki T, Ohnuma A, Takasu M, Nakamura K, Kikuchi M, Ishige T, Kakoi H, Hirora K, Tamura N, Kusano K, Nagata S
Detection of non-targeted transgenes by whole-genome resequencing for gene-doping control
Gene Therapy 28, 199-205, 2021 [PubMed]


Fukuda K, Kuwano A, Kuroda T, Tamura N, Mita H, Okada Y, Kasashima Y
Optimal double-spin method for maximizing the concentration of platelets in equine platelet-rich plasma
J Equine Sci 31, 105-111, 2020 [PubMed]

Kuroda T, Nagata S, Tamura N, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Mita H, Minami T, Fukuda K, Hobo S, Kuwano A
Single-dose pharmacokinetics of orally administered metronidazole and intravenously administered imipenem in healthy horses and computer-based simulation of pleural fluid concentrations with multiple dosing
Am J Vet Res 81, 783-789, 2020 [PubMed]

Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Tamura N, Mita H, Kasashima Y
Optimal activation methods for maximizing the concentrations of platelet-derived growth factor-BB and transforming growth factor-β1 in equine platelet-rich plasma
J Vet Med Sci 82, 1472-1479, 2020 [PubMed]

Nomura M, Kuroda T, Tamura N, Muranaka M, Niwa H
Mortality, clinical findings, predisposing factors and treatment of Clostridioides difficile colitis in Japanese Thoroughbred racehorses
Vet Rec 187, e14, 2020 [PubMed]

Tamura N, Okano A, Kuroda T, Niwa H, Kusano K, Matsuda Y, Fukuda K, Mita H, Nagata S
Utility of systemic voriconazole in equine keratomycosis based on pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analysis of tear fluid following oral administration
Vet Ophthalmol 23, 640-647, 2020 [PubMed]


Ninomiya H, Kuwano A
Microvasculature of the guttural pouch mucosa and relationship with the internal carotid artery in horses
J Equine Vet Sci 74, 84-89, 2019

Kuroda T, Nagata S, Tamura N, Mita H, Kusano K, Mizobe F, Takizawa Y, Fukuda K, Kasashima Y
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of olopatadine following administration via nasogastric tube to healthy horses
Am J Vet Res 80, 689-695, 2019 [PubMed]

Yokomori T, Tozaki T, Mita H, Miyake T, Kakoi H, Kobayashi Y, Kusano K, Itou T
Heritability estimates of the position and number of facial hair whorls in Thoroughbred horses
BMC Res Notes 12, 346, 2019 [PubMed]


Tamura N, Kodaira K, Yoshihara E, Mae N, Yamazaki Y, Mita H, Kuroda T, Fukuda K, Tomita A, Kasashima Y
A retrospective cohort study investigating risk factors for the failure of Thoroughbred racehorses to return to racing after superficial digital flexor tendon injury
Vet J 235, 42-46, 2018 [PubMed]

Nomura M, Mizobe F, Kato T, Kuroda T, Urayama S, Muranaka M
Evaluating continuous blood coagulopathy in assessing the severity of acute colitis in Thoroughbred racehorses
J Equine Sci 29, 79-85, 2018 [PubMed]


Tamura N, Kuroda T, Kotoyori Y, Fukuda K, Nukada T, Kato T, Kuwano A, Kasashima Y
Application of sonoelastography for evaluating the stiffness of equine superficial digital flexor tendon during healing
Vet Rec 180, 120, 2017 [PubMed]
Tamura N, Nukada T, Kato T, Kuroda T, Kotoyori Y, Fukuda K, Kasashima Y
The use of sonoelastography to assess the recovery of stiffness after equine superficial digital flexor tendon injuries: A preliminary prospective longitudinal study of the healing process
Equine Vet J 49, 590-595, 2017 [PubMed]

Fukuda K, Miyata H, Kuwano A, Kuroda T, Tamura N, Kotoyori Y, Kasashima Y
Does the injection of platelet-rich plasma induce changes in the gene expression and morphology of intact Thoroughbred skeletal muscle?
J Equine Sci 28, 31-39, 2017 [PubMed]


Kuroda T, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Shinzaki Y, Tamura N, Hobo S, Kuwano A
Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonisation and infection in Thoroughbred racehorses and veterinarians in Japan
Vet Rec 178, 473, 2016 [PubMed]


Tanaka K, Hiraga A, Takahashi T, Kuwano A, Morrison SE
Effects of aluminum hinged shoes on the structure of contracted feet in Thoroughbred yearlings
J Equine Sci 26, 67-71, 2015 [PubMed]
Sasao T, Fukuda Y, Yoshida S, Miyabara S, Kasashima Y, Kuwano A, Arai K
Population doubling level-dependent change of secreted glycosaminoglycan in equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
J Equine Sci 26, 73-80, 2015 [PubMed]
Kuroda T, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Mizobe F, Ueno T, Kuwano A, Hatazoe T, Hobo S
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ulcerative keratitis in a Thoroughbred racehorse
J Equine Sci 26, 95-98, 2015 [PubMed]
Hatazoe T, Endo Y, Iwamoto Y, Korosue K, Kuroda T, Inoue S, Murata D, Hobo S, Misumi K
A study on the distribution of color Doppler flows in superficial digital flexor tendon of young Thoroughbreds during training periods
J Equine Sci 26, 99-104, 2015 [PubMed]

学会発表 Conference presentation


野村基惟 ・飯森麻衣・溝部文彬・井畔貴之・黒田泰輔・三田宇宙・太田 稔
競走馬診療における立位 MRI 検査の実施状況
第75回 日本獣医画像診断学会 2024.12

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Kinman C, Ebisuda Y,Inoue K, Ishikawa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Nukada T, Ohta M
Rational quinidine dosage regimen for atrial fibrillation in Thoroughbred racehorses based on population pharmacokinetics
70th American Asociation of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention (AAEP2024) 2024.12

田村周久・三田宇宙・黒田泰輔・福田健太郎・太田 稔・笠嶋快周
第39回 日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会 2024.10

黒田泰輔・南島陽平・三田宇宙・Toutain PL・太田 稔
第167回 日本獣医学会学術集会 2024.9


第9回細胞凝集研究会 2023.12

Mita H, Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Tamura N, Ohta M
Concentration of marbofloxacin insubcutaneous tissue fluid aftersubcutaneous administration ofmarbofloxacin encapsulated microparticles
2023 American College of Veterinary Surgeons(ACVS) Surgery Summit 2023.10

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Toutain PL, Ohta M
A rational determination of cefazolindosage regimen in horses based on PK/PDprinciples and Monte Carlo simulations
15th International Congress of the European Association of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (EAVPT 2023) 2023.7

Tamura N, Dudhia J, Heidari N, Smith RKW, Faragher RGA
Effects of resveratrol and its analogues onthe cell cycle of equine mesenchymal stemcells
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU 2023) 2023.3

Fukuda K, Mita H, Tamura N, Kuroda T, Sato F
Platelet lysates does not exert anti-inflammatory effect on monoiodoaceticacid-induced equine persistent synovitis
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS-EU 2023) 2023.3


Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Niwa H, Mita H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Toutain PL, Ohta M Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics cutoff for fosfomycin using Monte Carlo simulation in healthy horses 11th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM) 2022.9


第8回日本獣医病理学専門家協会学術集会 2021.3

黒田泰輔・南島陽平・丹羽秀和・三田宇宙・田村周久・福田健太郎・桑野睦敏・Toutain PL・佐藤文夫
ウマにおける第1世代セファロスポリンのVetCAST approachに基づくPK/PDブレイクポイントの解析
第164回日本獣医学会学術集会 2021.9

第36回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会 2021.10

Tamura N, Mita H, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Sato F, Kuwano A, Tabata Y, Kasashima Y
Aggregates of equine mesenchymal stem cells with gelatin hydrogel for regenerative therapy of tendon injury
6th World Congress of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medical International Society 2021. 11

日本ウマ科学会第34回学術集会 2021.12

日本ウマ科学会第34回学術集会 2021.12

日本ウマ科学会第34回学術集会 2021.12


日本獣医再生医療学会第15回年次大会 2020.1

日本獣医再生医療学会第15回年次大会 2020.1

第99回日本獣医麻酔外科学会 2020.1

令和元年度日本獣医師会獣医学術学会年次大会 2020.2

第163回日本獣医学会学術集会 2020.9

日本ウマ科学会第33回学術集会 2020.11

Kuroda T, Minamijima Y, Tamura N, Mita H, Fukuda K, Toutain PL, Bousque-Melou A
Rational dosage regimen for cephalothin and cepfazolin using pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis in healthy thoroughbred horses
10th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine 2020. 11


Kasashima Y, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Mita H
How long do implanted mesenchymal stem cell exist at injury site in tendon with acute and chronic inflammation phase?
2019 North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Association Conference 2019.9

Tamura N, uroda T, Fukuda K, Mita H, Tabata Y, Kasashima Y
Use of mesenchymal stem cell aggregates with gelatin hydrogel microspheres for regenerative therapy of tendon injury in equine practice
2019 North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Association Conference 2019.9

第162回日本獣医学会学術集会 2019.9

高橋敏之・平賀 敦
日本ウマ科学会第32回学術集会 2019.11

シンポジウム「動物の運動における代謝 - 遺伝」
日本動物遺伝育種学会第20回大会 2019.12


第17回日本再生医療学会総会 2018.3

第66回日本化学療法学会 2018.6

Kasashima Y, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Mita H, Tabata T, Arai K
Stem cell therapy for tendon injury of racehorses in Japan: Present conditions and future prospects
18th Congress of International Society for Animal Clinical Pathology, ISACP 2018 Tokyo 2018.8

Kasashima Y, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Tomita A
How long do implanted mesenchymal stem cell exist at injury site in tendon tissue?: a cell tracking study
5th World Congress of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society 2018.9

Fukuda K, Tamura N, Kuroda T, Tomita A, Kasashima Y
Effect of different activation methods on release of transforming growth factor-1 and platelet-derived growth factor-BB from equine platelet-rich plasma
5th World Congress of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society 2018.9

Tamura N, Kuroda T, Fukuda K, Tomita A, Tabata Y, Kasashima Y
Mesenchymal stem cells aggregates with gelatin hydrogel microspheres for regenerative therapy of tendon injury in equine practice
5th World Congress of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society 2018.9

第161回日本獣医学会学術集会 2018.9

Kasashima Y, Tamura N, Kuroda T, Fukuda K, Mita H, Tomita A
Injection of stem cells into injured tendon results in limited retention and distribution of cells
5th International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium 2018.9

Tamura N, Kuroda T, Fukuda K, Mita H, Tabata Y, Kasashima Y
Use of mesenchymal stem cells aggregates with gelatin hydrogel microspheres for regenerative therapy of tendon
5th International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium 2018.9

Kuroda T, Nagata S, Kinoshita Y, Niwa H, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Kasashima Y
Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis of metronidazole and imipenem for Bacteroides spp infection of pleural cavity in horses
9th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM) 2018.10


第16回日本再生医療学会総会 2017.3

Kuroda T, Nagata S, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Tomita A, Kasashima Y
Olopatadine, a second-generation antihistamine, has high antihistaminic effect from pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics analysis in horses
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Convention 2017 2017.7

第160回日本獣医学会学術集会 2017.9

第160回日本獣医学会学術集会 2017.9

第9回多血小板血漿(PRP)療法研究会 2017.11

Kuroda T, Niwa H, Kinoshita Y, Tamura N, Fukuda K, Tomita A, Kasashima Y
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus colonization and infection in Thoroughbred racehorses and equine veterinarians in Japan
American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) 2017 2017.11

フリーズドライ(真空凍結乾燥)で保存されたウマ多血小板血漿(PRP)中に含有されるサイトカイン濃度について -凍結保存法との比較検討-
日本ウマ科学会第30回学術集会 2017.11


第159回日本獣医学会学術集会 2016.9

腱内の微小血管とその後の重篤な腱損傷との関連性 -ウマを用いた検討-
第31回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会 2016.10

Kasashima Y, Tamura N, Kotoyori Y, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Tabata Y
Can delivery of mesenchymal stem cell aggregates enhance retention of cells at the site of injury in cell therapy of equine tendon?
International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium 2016 2016.10

Tamura N, Yoshihara E, Kodaira K, Kuroda T, Fukuda K, Kasashima Y
Is neovascularization an indicator of subsequent tendon injury risk in the horses?
International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium 2016 2016.10

Kasashima Y, Tamura N,Tomita A, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Tabata Y, Arai K
Stem cell therapy for tendon injury of racehorses in Japan: Present conditions and future prospects
Havemeyer Conference on Regenerative Medicine ll 2016.11


第14回日本再生医療学会総会 2015.3

第18回護蹄研究会学術シンポジウム 2015.3

Kasashima Y, Tamura N, Kotoyori Y, Fukuda K, Kuroda T, Tabata Y, Kuwano A
Can stem cell loaded gelatin microspheres improve cell therapy for equine tendon injures?
2015 North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Association Conference 2015.6

動物用再生医療等製品の安全性試験等開発事業に係るシンポジウム 2015.9

第158回日本獣医学会学術集会 2015.9

第158回日本獣医学会学術集会 2015.9

競走馬におけるClostridium difficile感染症と非Clostridium difficile腸炎の特徴について
第158回日本獣医学会学術集会 2015.9

日本ウマ科学会第28回学術集会 2015.12